Capital Campaign
Can You Imagine!
We have much to celebrate and be thankful for! When we gathered together for our Thanksgiving meal in fall, we enjoyed the enhancements of our recent kitchen renovations (still a small way to go, but almost there). We had a huge initial financial goal, and we’ve nearly met it! We are grateful for the building committee, fundraising committee, and all those who contributed financially and in other ways. We are already imagining how this new space can be used for Sterling and the community in the coming years.
Brian Bergen (our head trustee) shared with us that there are a few more needs as Sterling’s building is showing its age. So we are asking you to keep on imagining!
Imagine, if you will, a windstorm where shingles are not littering our lawn; a rainstorm where no buckets are needed to catch drips; a quick dash to the side door where no one trips or breaks their ankle on the crumbling sidewalk; and a Sunday morning with no sound equipment glitches!
Imagine, in the words of Brian, that our “church will become an even better, more comfortable, accessible, efficient, and welcoming place for many others to gather in years to come to meet with other seekers and followers and worship our merciful and loving God.”
With this vision in mind, Sterling is embarking on a Capital Campaign to raise funds toward much needed repairs of our church home. The total cost could be as high as $130,000.00. Our trustees, building committee, and Council have been hard at work prioritizing projects and gathering quotes. These projects include (in random order):
• Re-shingling the roof
• Re-flooring the sanctuary and foyer
• Upgrading the sound system
• Updating lights to LEDs
• fixing the concrete sidewalk
• Replacing damaged ceiling in offices and foyer
• Parking lot maintenance
• Completion of the kitchen renovation
The first priority is the roof project, at a cost of about $26,000. We are thrilled to report that we have already received about half of the cost for the roof in donations! Lots to celebrate!
We are asking for donations and pledges, starting immediately. A pledge is a commitment of support that can be donated over a period of time (for example, John Smith may like to donate a total of $1,200 over a period of 12 months at $100/month). This will help the fundraising committee gauge when we can begin certain projects and how much more fundraising we will still have to do. You are free to donate by e-transfer, cash/cheque, online through the website, or set up an automatic withdrawal from your bank account (see Corinne for forms). Please designate your donation towards “Capital Projects.” Any funds received in excess of the Roof project will go towards the next priority in line. Please note that these funds are needed over and above your regular donations to the church budget.
We are aware this is a big ask, but believe that these are necessary projects to pursue. Council has carefully considered other options (such as loans and grants), and feels this is the best way forward at this time. Please prayerfully consider how you can contribute to this project. We are grateful for all donations and pledges and pray that God will continue to use Sterling to be a light in our community.